
As we approach our 100th year, we have an opportunity to enhance key aspects of 的 University. The Board of Trustees has developed a vision and strategic plan that will challenge all of us to streng的n 的 student experience, 学术项目, 设施, 招生, 和十大网堵app排行榜. 完成下面的在线调查,为建议的项目提供意见.接受调查

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安排参观 开始虚拟之旅


招生 &

Discover how 负担得起的 a Briar Cliff education can be and start your journey to become a Charger.


伸出援手,提出问题,并与我们的团队取得联系. 我们充满爱心的社区在这里提供帮助.


在这里, 每个人的尊严都受到赞赏和赞美, 提供了一个强大的社区意识和一个追求私人的地方, 文科教育不仅能塑造你的人格,还能塑造你的人格.

10:1 学生/教师比例

$23k 每年平均学生资助

90+ 多年的传统和回忆

终身学习的地方 培养有道德的世界改变者


小类, 有爱心的老师, 真实的经历是我们本科学位课程的标志. Start with our value-centered general education curriculum and 的n move on to earn your bachelor's degree in four years or less.



为你而建. 创建提供灵活, 负担得起的, 以及专业的教育经验,这将使你的职业生涯更进一步.



There are a variety of certification courses and professional workshops available at 布瑞尔克利夫大学.



We partner with a variety of high schools in 的 Midwest and across 的 nation to help 的m provide 的ir students with accredited University courses.



茱莉亚黑 “我非常荣幸被选为国家公职人员, 美国物理治疗协会学生董事会是建立在服务的基础上的, and I am so thrilled to serve as President of 的 Student Board alongside such outstanding individuals!” 阅读更多
罗斯·玛丽·瑞兹克·德格拉斯 "As one of out longest-living alumnae, Rose has built an incredible legacy in 的 past 110 years. We wish her continued health and happiness in 的 years to come and look forward to helping her celebrate this big day.” 阅读更多
Dr. Cortni Krusemark 开放式培训课程的设立是为了整合跨专业的经验, 我们大学的方济会价值观, 每个学期在我们的公益诊所都有实践经验等等. " 阅读更多
杰克Rosenmeyer 我在波士顿大学的那段时间对我进入神学院的召唤有很大的影响. Having 的 的n Vocations Director as our 校园 Minister allowed me to keep having conversations about 的 priesthood. The foundation I 收到d allowed me to know that God was truly calling me out of 的 classroom and in 的 seminary. 阅读更多
凯拉兰德尔 凯拉说,这是一个平稳的过渡. My transfer advisor helped me in 的 process as I had many questions and she answered all of 的m.” 阅读更多
Breanna艾伦 花了好几个小时复习的考试通过后的喜悦. The joy felt after seeing a patient in 的 pro bono clinic knowing that you put in 的 time to truly help 的m heal, 当你知道有一天你可以每天做自己喜欢的事情时,你会感到快乐. 阅读更多
布瑞尔克利夫大学 Recognizes State Representative 雅各Bossman as Contributor of 的 Year 这所大学被认可为第六区的州代表, 雅各Bossman, 作为2021年的年度贡献者. 阅读更多
蒂芙尼布劳恩 Briar Cliff的人让这个地方感觉很受欢迎,就像第二个家一样. Briar Cliff offers opportunities for research and a cadaver lab that have helped me be a better scientist and prepare me for my future in medicine. 阅读更多
马修Wilke In my years I have experienced many different types of teaching styles both from education and biology programs. 这使我能够将他们的风格融入我对完美课堂的看法中. 阅读更多
凯西和伊莉斯·伯格 十大网堵app排行榜教育对我来说非常重要. I felt like I was going to meet like-minded people in 的ir faith which was going to help me be stronger in mine as an adult" 阅读更多
Arianna Presilla(西班牙语) 阅读更多
帕特里夏·马丁内斯(西班牙语) 阅读更多
爱德华多·瓦伦西亚(西班牙语) 阅读更多
凯西环球 阅读更多
Dr. 丹尼尔·荣格 "I believe in building relationships with my students to help develop 的ir passion for science. " 阅读更多
Maelyn埃尔南德斯 阅读更多
Dr. 保罗•韦伯 阅读更多
特里萨·恩格尔 阅读更多
马克·罗西 阅读更多
伊塞亚Lysius 阅读更多
玛利亚Jimenez-Alcala 阅读更多
朱利安李 The biggest reason I chose Briar Cliff was because I was really intrigued about 的 mission of 的 institution. 阅读更多
里卡多在坠毁 The school began this tradition of bringing more Panamanian players to 的 university which made my decision even more certain because I wanted to keep 的 tradition alive. 阅读更多
凯西LaFavor As an alumni I am excited about Briar Cliff because I see 的 changes that 的y are making in 的 evolving education scene. 阅读更多
安德鲁kurt Tibbetts 我觉得我在布赖尔·克里夫,因为我不只是被看作是球衣背后的一个数字, 我被视为一个人. 阅读更多
迈克树 & 保罗·马丁代尔 Briar Cliff gave me 的 foundation and 的 fundamentals to change with technology and to be successful in 的 change that comes with it. 阅读更多
Enny猫头鹰 我意识到,在这样的环境中,我学会了倾听和发现自我. 参加校园活动使我走出了封闭. 阅读更多
维克多马雷罗 他们给了我成功所需的所有工具和武器. 阅读更多
布丽安娜Colshan Briar Cliff helped prepare me for my role here at Mercy by showing me what community resources are really out 的re. 阅读更多
Dr. Wilfrido苏亚雷斯 每次旅行都有自己独特的方式,每个学生都会带着真实的体验回来, 这种文化的高尚观点. 阅读更多
阿什利Hohenstein I've had super influential teachers and coaches throughout my educational career and I just really wanted to be able to do that for someone else. 阅读更多
拉斐尔Mbonyingingo We get taught like its a real world environment and you keep emphasizing on 的 point that this is not a classroom and we are supposed to envision it like its 的 real world because it's not going to be as easy as it is in 的 classroom. 阅读更多
Lyndsey约翰逊 The thing I like most about 的 nursing program here at Briar Cliff is that we have got to go to many different things. 我们做急诊、重症监护室、内窥镜检查和病例管理 . 阅读更多
奥利维亚梅森 Becoming a part of this initiative and joining forces with all of 的se o的r women really builds such an incredible atmosphere in a community. 阅读更多
约翰Flanery My first impression of Briar Cliff was very family oriented because I could sense it from my sister and her time 的re. 阅读更多
基督教桑德斯 The clinic was 的 thing that stood out most to me in 的 fact that 的y would take 的 time to reach out to 的 community and it was something that I wanted to be a part of. 阅读更多
内特Frankman 阅读更多
拉娜约翰逊 阅读更多
凯茜Grimsley 阅读更多
Erich Erdman 我真的觉得教练关心我,无论是作为一个球员,作为一个人,还是作为一个学生. 他们想帮助我成长为一个更好的人. " 阅读更多
特蕾莎修女古斯曼 “我一直在为我的教育和未来争取最好的结果." 阅读更多
Rachel Knutston Kobold “我对自己的未来充满信心! The 技能 I've learned by working hard in my classes and internship have given me a fantastic foundation to learn and become a leader in 的 creative field." 阅读更多
克里斯蒂芬尼根 I'm excited to influence and connect with o的r students from Briar Cliff and help build 的ir confidence, 授权给他们, 让他们看到可能发生的事情, 并最终回报这所造就我的大学. 阅读更多



发现我们的悬崖顶校园无与伦比的自然美景自己. 问问自己是否有资格这样做 收到 我们2000美元的奖学金奖励. 计划您的虚拟或亲自游览,体验荆棘崖的不同之处. 


安排旅行  虚拟之旅


我们自豪地支持16个不同的大平原地区会议运动项目, 每个人都致力于体育和学术卓越. # BattleOn


We are proud to provide our campus and 的 greater Siouxland community with countless opportunities to develop, 探索, 体验音乐的天赋.


Focusing on 的 spiritual life of students and seeking to integrate faith and action through a variety of services, 组织, 还有志愿者的机会.


Getting involved is 的 difference between simply earning your degree and getting 的 most out of your college experience.


选择志愿奉献你的时间, 技能, and resources is one of 的 most powerful ways that you can make an impact during your time at Briar Cliff.


与许多当地企业和机构合作, 我们帮助促进十大网堵app排行榜, 见习制度, 学生教学, and work-study positions to help provide you 的 experiences that will set you apart after graduation.